Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Philosophy and my choice of ph's

According to the American Heritage Student Dictionary:

phi-LOS-o-phy n., 1. The study of the nature of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning. 2. A formal system of ideas based upon such study. 3. A basic theory or viewpoint.  From Greek philosophos, lover of wisdom: philos, loving + sophia, knowledge, learning.

I am truly a lover of knowledge and learning.  I often say that if money and time were no object, I would attend college all my life.  Unfortunately, I do not have much of either, so my acquisition of knowledge often comes by way of the living of my life and the opportunities that present themselves.

I am married to a chemist, so I just happen to know that pH refers to the numerical measure of acidity or alkalinity, with neutral (or balanced) pH of a solution equal to 7. Physically speaking, a body that is just slightly alkaline can harbor no disease, and a slightly alkaline body pH  can only be achieved by the consumption of good, healthy

 "7" is also known as the number which represents the divinity of Christ. I am unapologetically Christian and married, and I consider it a step in the direction of holiness to remain ph(f)aithful to my husband through the hard work of maintaining our marriage. I have a lot to say about the hard work of marriage!

Photography...well, duh...I LOVE taking photos of my family and nature.  I love learning about how to make those photos optimal, through composing, equipment, and editing. 

Ph(f)amily? Wow, you want to talk about the ultimate experiment in maintaining balance? This is an ever moving target, is it not? Without a doubt, the building and nurturing of my family has been the most heart-breaking and heart-rewarding thing I've ever done in my life.  It is the "thing" I am most proud of, as it has been at times exhausting and exhilarating, like any experience worth having typically is.

Ph(f)un: well, you see, my husband and I indulge in wander-lust. We love travelling both near and far.  Together, apart, and with our children. You will likely see many posts about our travels. Most of our travels are fun, but there are the occasional not-so-fun adventures that make for "funny" stories after the fact. Much later. As in "some day, you will laugh about this." I also enjoy sewing, reading, and homeschooling our daughters, so there will be smatterings of those topics.

For whatever reason, "ph" came to mind when I thought seriously about blogging, and since this is MY blog, that's what I chose.  Stay tuned, I may change my mind.  I am a woman after all, and as I is therefore my prerogative.

Be blessed!